What my readers are saying…
I’m not super familiar with East Africa but the language of the author really helped to paint a vivid mental picture. An interestingly complex and flawed ex- special ops soldier makes for an epic hero. Very excited to read what comes next and see how he evolves.

I really enjoyed this story. It was very convincing with all the information the writer gave about the places and people. I could almost see the scenes as I was reading them. I will look forward to reading more about the main characters adventures.

BRAKER, continues to hit home runs. His knowledge of the area’s his adventures take place, makes for a believable adventures. I look forward to His next book.
I am meeting William Brody for the first time with this book. As the author states he did live in Africa for some time. You can feel the love for the area coming off the page. It was beautifully described and well plotted. This novella started out quiet and ended with a bang. It showed a side of the news headlines we rarely get to see. It was fun to read and I want more.

Four Starts. Great Story.

WOW! This is a GREAT book! I loved this book!

Lot’s of action with true background.

A must read. A suspenseful well written book

Right off the bat you get a nice feel for who the narrator is and what the story will be about. It is such an adventurous and interesting novel.

A good action adventure yarn. Lots of action, special forces main character, great support characters, violence
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Action Adventure Author
Steve Braker
Hi, thanks for dropping by.
As a writer of action thrillers, my main aim is to give you the reader a thrill. I love that feeling you get when you don’t remember that you are even reading. When you are so captured by a book that you forget you’re reading the words. All you see is the descriptions and conversations being played out like a movie in your head. You are lost in another world, and before you know it you’ve read 100 pages without realizing it, and your new worry is; “will this book end too quickly?”
My favorite authors are those that obviously care about their readers. They are more concerned with entertaining or showing the reader the way than fancy marketing tricks or expensive blurbs. Grammar and punctuation are paramount in this effort, and a must for any serious writer. But the storytelling and other tools a writer has in his toolbox are only there for the reader. Her experience is paramount to the writer’s success.
I make my readers my priority, I want my reader to have a lump in her throat, or a tear in the corner of her eye when the protagonist finally decides to do the right thing. My goal is to transport you to a different reality, to make you feel the heat on your back or the weight of despair on your shoulders. I want you to see, smell, and live the African culture.
The idea behind this series is to give you the reader a real insight into life here on the African Coast. You as my audience are all powerful in my stories, you can avidly read the book, or just set it aside and leave it. If the latter happens, then as a writer, I have failed, and I have lost the opportunity to show you a place in the world that you may never have experienced.
A thriller has to thrill, and an action book has to have action. I love reading Wilbur Smith, Clive Cussler, Stephen King, and John Grisham to name but a few. They all have unique styles, but they all keep your head in the book. They have learned the art of pace and style; their techniques are flawless.
When I sit to write my next William Brody Thriller, I first make sure he has a mission. This can be physical or emotional, but it has to be a journey. And I want that journey to be brought out in the book so you the reader get some endorphins flowing and know who to root for and when. Fictional novels of whatever genre are an emotional journey, and I need to give you what you expect. I use some familiar troupes, so you can get a grasp of the story and the character, but I also throw in loads of local color, language, and culture to give you a perspective on this wonderful part of the world I live in.
My goal is for you to finish one of my books and know a little about Africa. Maybe a couple of words like, “Jambo; for hello, or Shukran; Thank you,” and you will carry that with you in your mind, and maybe one day I will see you here in Mombasa for a beer on the beach!
Tutaonana baadaye (See you later)
I hope you enjoy these books, and let me know what you think. Drop me a line at [email protected]
Steve Braker Books
The William Brody Thriller Series

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